3DUJ-553 reduces the time and effort required for 3D modeling & effective use of full-color output greatly expands applications
First, please introduce yourself.
My name is Yaguchi, and I am a member of the Division of Creative Activity, Global Center in Engineering Education Institute for Innovation in international Engineering Education, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo.
In this division, I explain how to use the machines and give technical advice to students and laboratories when they use 3D printers and other high-precision equipment.

Mr.Yaguchi, a member of the School of Engineering IIIEE Division of Creative Activity Technical Specialist, the University of Tokyo.
May we ask how you came to own our 3DUJ-553?
Originally, another laboratory within the uni had introduced the 3DUJ-553, but it was difficult to create CG data with color, and it was decided that it would be better to manage it in our department because we accepts data for the entire students, leading to the introduction of the system to Division of Creative Activity.
What do you output usually?
The most common outputs are models that visualize the results of engineering simulations. We also output novelties and souvenirs.
The results of simulations are particularly difficult to color later on by oneself, so I think we take full advantage of our strength in being able to output in full color.

Actual samples output using 3DUJ-553
The Division of Creative Activity is open to all students of the University of Tokyo, but there are still very few students who can create 3D data by theirselves, especially when it includes color. In fact, the use of the machine is more common among teachers and at events than among students.
For example, we have received requests to make novelty souvenirs that can take home for middle and high school students who took a course. In that case, we scanned and captured the shape of the object made by the students, adjusted the scale and colors on the data, and printed it out in full color using Mimaki's 3D printer and handed it over at the end of the class.
What is the appeal of 3DUJ-553 in your opinion?
First of all, it has a wide range of modeling capability among 3D printers. It can output about 500 mm x 500 mm at a time, so we can make a considerable amount of novelty items at once, which is very helpful.
Also, for example, each 3D printers have their own specialties, such as good accuracy, providing strength, but if they can output in full color like the 3DUJ-553, I have an image of being able to expand the range of expression on a different axis. When the appearance is important, having a full-color option is very significant.
I feel that the colors are also beautiful compared to older full-color 3D printers. 3DUJ-553 has made the colors much more vivid, and it is easier to get close to the hue I imagine.
And, although it may be slightly different from the appeal of the 3DUJ-553, the fact that Mimaki's support staff responds quickly when we have problems has been very helpful.
Do you have any future plans for the Division of Creative Activity using the 3DUJ-553?
We would like to see 3DUJ-553 used in fields where color is important, such as human-machine interfaces. We want to promote the use of 3DUJ-553 more and more through appeals.
Also, our division is open to outside companies as part of our industry-academia collaboration. Companies can use the 3DUJ-553 by registering for free with our department and we would like to expand our user base, both within and outside the university.
We also spoke with Mr. Sakamoto, a Ph.D. student in the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies at the University of Tokyo, who used 3DUJ-553 of the Division of Creative Activity to output a work for the exhibition names "CITY - Smart City Tokyo 2030" sponsored by H-UTokyo Lab. and The University Museum, The University of Tokyo.

Mr. Sakamoto, a Ph.D. student in the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies at the University of Tokyo.
What is the purpose of this exhibition?
To begin with, a smart city refers to a city itself that aims to improve efficiency and optimize urban functions by utilizing big data such as Internet of Things and AI. In recent years, smart city initiatives have been taking place around the world, and in Japan as well, with the promotion of national projects such as the Super City Concept and The Vision for Digital Garden City Nation, smart city initiatives are being implemented in cities and municipalities across the country.
On the other hand, it is not yet possible to say yes to the question of whether the urban issues that really need to be solved are fixed by the initiatives that have been undertaken to date. The purpose of this exhibition, "CITY - Smart City Tokyo 2030," is to provide a seed for everyone's imagination about what a smart city in Tokyo in 2030 would be like if it were to be implemented, based on the research that has been conducted in the Habitat Innovation initiative of H-UTokyo Lab, which is the host of the exhibition, as well as research and practice related to smart cities conducted at the University of Tokyo, local government initiatives, and the history of urban planning.

Mr.Sakamoto's work "Scale City"
What is the content of your exhibit?
There is an open data initiative to make national and corporate data available to everyone, and this work, "Scale City," uses that data to show the city situation at a glance.
Generally, it is the government and companies who are called "developer" who develop cities, but the people who know the city best are the local residents who actually live there. I created this model in the hope that the developer and residents would be able to understand each other's understanding of the current state of the city and draw out the true needs of the people who live there.
Apart from the surrounding white areas, the 90cm x 30cm transparent area in the middle was output using Mimaki's 3DUJ-553.

Translucent areas are output by 3DUJ-553
How was your experience with 3DUJ-553?
With the 3D printer I used before, it took a full day to produce a 10 cm square output. In contrast, Mimaki's 3DUJ-553 can produce a 30 cm square with the same amount of time, so I have the impression that I were able to save a lot of time.
In addition, I reduced the time because did not need to output several times and to split the data and re-create it. When I output some parts, the boundaries of the joints are sometimes a concern, but this time there was no such worry and the transparency of the clear was high, so I believed that I were able to create a very good product.
Also, with other companie's 3D printers, the bottom surface would hang down, so post-processing was necessary, such as scraping off the hanging part and applying a coating to make it more transparent... but with Mimaki's 3DUJ-553, all I had to do was remove the support material, so it was very easy.
I thought this finish was good enough for a relatively low cost.
How was the actual process from data creation to output of exhibits?
I used 3D data published on the MLIT's website "PLATEAU," so I did not have to create data from scratch, such as "here is this building..." Moreover, even though I was not familiar with CAD software or CG software for drawing on a computer, the experience of being able to make 3D prints through my own trial and error was very significant.
This was the second time for me to print with a 3D printer, but I was able to do it without any problems.
Do you have any enthusiasm for the next study?
Yes, this time I devided the Hongo area of the University of Tokyo into three parts for output, but I would like to use my exhibit for the original purpose of communicating with the local government and residents, so if I have the opportunity in the future, I want to try 3D printing various areas and explore with local people how I can utilize it more deeply.
Also, I have satellite photo data, and if the 3D printed images had the color of the buildings, it would be easier to connect the understanding, so I would like to try 3D printing in full color, which is closer to what is actually visible.
User profile
- NameThe University of Tokyo
- Address7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
- URLhttps://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/index.html