Sorting Procedure

  1. Send the data.
  • The size of unprocessed data within the receive buffer is displayed.
  • Cutting (printing) is not performed.
  • Processed line segments are loaded into the sorting buffer.
  • Once the data has been sent, the waiting time until cutting starts is displayed.
  • The remaining time is displayed in seconds.
  • The countdown starts provided no data is received while waiting for cutting to start.
  1. Use auto feed.
  • The sheet is pulled out by the amount corresponding to the cut before cutting starts.
  1. Start cutting.
  • The progress of the data that has been cut is displayed as a percentage.
  • The machine switches to remote mode once cutting is complete.
When the sorting function is enabled, cutting does not start after all of the cutting data has been received until the close time has elapsed.Notes on the setting items
However, sorting and cutting will start before the close time has elapsed in the following cases:
  • When the sorting buffer becomes full (with approximately 500,000 line segments)
  • When the cut conditions, such as tool number, speed, and pressure, have been changed
  • When the feed command or origin update command has been executed