Assembling the Legs and Sheet Basket
Assemble the legs (CG-60AR is optional) and attach the sheet basket (option).
When assembling the sheet basket, make use of the assembly instruction video as described below or read the "Assembly Procedure" included with this machine carefully.
When assembling the legs (CG-100/130AR), make use of the assembly instruction video as described below or read the "Assembly Procedure" included with this machine carefully.
The "Assembly Procedure" can be downloaded from the following URL:

- The legs for the CG-60AR are options available separately. Contact your local dealer or our service office. No "Leg Stand Assembly" video is provided for the CG-60AR. Read through the "Assembly Procedure" included with this machine or downloaded from the following URL carefully before assembling:
- Scan the following QR code with a smartphone or tablet: (Required first time only)
- BILT starts up automatically, if it is already installed.
- If BILT is not installed, a screen appears for installing it. Install and launch BILT.
- Tap on the bar at the top left of the BILT home screen.
- Select [Settings] > [Languages], then tap on the desired language.
- Enter "CG-AR Roll_Based Cutting Plotter" in [Product search] on the home screen.
- Select [CG-AR Roll_Based Cutting Plotter] > [Leg Stand Assembly] (CG-100/130AR) or [Sheet Basket Installation], then tap on [Start].
- The video will play.

- The video can subsequently be checked from the BILT [My stuff] page.