Transmit Test

  1. Press the [FUNCTION] key in local mode.
  1. Use up jog_down jog_ to select [SET UP], then press the [ENTER/HOLD] key.
  1. Use up jog_down jog_ to select [EVENT MAIL], then press the [ENTER/HOLD].
  1. Use up jog_down jog_ to select [Test], then press the [ENTER/HOLD] key.
  1. Press the [ENTER/HOLD] key on the [EXECUTE] screen.
  • The transmission results are displayed.
  • An error code will be displayed if the test email transmission is unsuccessful. Refer to the error code list and take appropriate action.
LCD figure of test mail error
  • Emails may not necessarily be delivered even if they have been sent. Check the terminal receiving the email for spam email filters.
  • For more information on server settings or other topics, contact your network administrator or service provider.
  1. Press the [END] key several times to exit.


Error Code List

Error code

Likely cause

Corrective action


Network connection error

  • Check to confirm that this machine is connected to a network.
  • Check the IP address for this machine.
  • Check if the network setup allows this machine to use DNS.


No valid email address

  • Enter a valid email address.



No POP server could be found. Or the DNS server could not be accessed.

  • Check the POP server address.
  • Check if the network setup allows this machine to use DNS.


Unable to connect to POP server

  • Check the POP server settings.
  • Check the firewall settings.


An error was returned from the POP server.

  • Check the POP server settings.


POP authentication failed.

  • Check the user name and password.
  • Check the APOP settings.
  • Check the authentication method.



No SMTP server could be found. Or the DNS server could not be accessed.

  • Check the SMTP server address.
  • Check if the network setup allows this machine to use DNS.


Unable to connect to SMTP server

  • Check the SMTP server settings.
  • Check the SMTP port number.
  • Check the firewall settings.





An error was returned from the SMTP server. Or there was no response.

  • Check the SMTP server settings.
  • Communication is not possible with a server that requires SSL communication.
  • Check the protocol filter settings.


The sender email address is invalid.

  • Set an email address corresponding to the server account.


The email recipient could be found Or the email address is invalid.

  • Check the email address.
  • This error may not always be detected even if the email address is incorrect.
  • Set an email address corresponding to the server account.



SMTP authentication error

  • Check the authentication method.




SMTP authentication failed.

  • Check the user name and password.
  1. *** is the error code received from the mail server

  • If the error persists, wait a while before retrying.