Layer - Screen Layout

[Layer] screen

Layer screen

[Job List] tab

Displays the job to be edited.

[Layer] is set for each print if the [Composite] function has been set to print divided into multiple passes.

Jobs to be printed simultaneously are displayed.

Clicking the [Job switching icon] icons at the bottom of the [Job List] tab lets you switch between jobs.

Example: Setting to print with three passes using the UJF-6042MkII

[Composite] tab on the [Composite] screen

Composite tab

Output order

First pass: Special color job (primer)

Second pass: Special color job (white) and color job

Third pass: Special color job (clear)

[Job List] tab on the [Layer] screen

When set for three passes_

[Layer Adjust] tab

Sets Special Color Over Print and the special colors.

Example: A composed special color job (white) and color job printed using the JV300 Plus

Layer Edit Tab_
  • The details displayed will vary depending on the model, special ink type, and whether or not composition is used.

1. [Special Color Over Print] (with models supporting Special Color Over Print)

Sets Special Color Over Print.


2. [Quality] (with models supporting Special Color Over Print)

Set the quality of Special Color Over Print.


3. [Position Correction]

Adjusts the special color position.


4. [Special color size correction]

Adjusts the special color size.