Crop - Operations

Crop a job

  • Enlarging or reducing jobs for example using the [General Print] function will enlarge or reduce the range cropped using [Crop].
  • [Trimming] and [Size] should be set based on the size of the original image.

Set the cropping range

  1. Set the cropping positions in [Trimming] on the [Image Edit] tab.

Trimming setting items



Distance from the top edge of the job




Distance from the left edge of the job




Distance from the right edge of the job




Distance from the bottom edge of the job


Set the cropping size

  1. Set [Width] and [Height] in [Size] on the [Image Edit] tab.

Crop size setting image

  • The job will be cropped to the specified size with respect to the origin position.

Set cropping lines using a mouse

  1. Drag and drop the pink lines on the preview.
Preview screen

Initialize the settings

  1. Click the [Initialize] icon on the [Image Edit] tab.

Jobs spanning multiple pages
  • Thumbnails and previews display the images on the first page of multi-page jobs.
  • [Trimming] and [Size] settings are applied to all pages of multi-page jobs. Settings cannot be changed for individual pages.