Creating a Hot Folder and Printer Driver after Printer Registration

If you did not create a hot folder and printer driver when you registered the printer or created a favorite, you can create it later by following the steps below.

  • For printer registration procedures, refer to the separate "RasterLink6Plus Reference Guide".
  1. Start RasterLink6Plus.
  • If creating a hot folder and printer driver, start RasterLink6Plus with administrator authority.
  1. Select the [Favorite] tab.
  • From the function icons here, select the [Normal Print Icons] (normal printing) icon, and then select the [Favorite] tab on the left.
Function icon list image and Favorite screen
  1. Select the favorite for which you want to create a hot folder and printer driver from the list, and then click on the [Hot Folder Creation Icons] icon.
  • The [Hot Folder] dialog box will appear.
Favorite screen
  1. Click [Create].
Hot Folder dialog box
  1. Click [Close].
  • The hot folder and printer driver are created.
Hot Folder Dialog