Quick Reference Table of Conditions Preventing Function Icon Selection

This quick reference table identifies conditions under which function icons cannot be selected.

If a setting/condition with a check mark is enabled, the corresponding function icon cannot be selected.

For more information on icons, see Function Icon List.

Using Table 1

The following functions are represented by icons from left to right at the top of the table.

  1. Arrange

  2. Print Condition

  3. Crop

  4. General Print

  5. Jig Print

  6. Tiling

  7. Step & Repeat

  8. Variable Print

  9. Execute

  10. Special plate


Table 1

Setting / Condition

1 Faceted icons

2 Printing conditions icon

3 Clip settings icon

4 Normal print icon

5 Print jig placement icon

6 Split printing icon

7 Step & repeat printing icon

8 Insert edit icon

9 Run icon

10 Version creation icon

Register mark settings





check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon




Print area definitions





check mark icon






Separation marks

check mark icon


check mark icon


check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon



check mark icon

Information labels





check mark icon






Lock the trimming position

check mark icon




check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon




Cut lines





check mark icon


check mark icon




2 or more copies






check mark icon

check mark icon












check mark icon



Formats other than PDF/EPS/PS








check mark icon











check mark icon



Composite + 2 or more copies








check mark icon











check mark icon



XY slitter

check mark icon




check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon




Execution status

check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon

With composite jobs






check mark icon

check mark icon



check mark icon

Arranged jobs






check mark icon

check mark icon



check mark icon

Jig print jobs




check mark icon


check mark icon

check mark icon



check mark icon

Tiling jobs

check mark icon


check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon


check mark icon



check mark icon

Step & Repeat jobs

check mark icon



check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon


check mark icon


check mark icon

With Print & Cut jobs



check mark icon


check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon




Kebab jig print jobs




check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon




RL output + jobs with register marks

check mark icon


check mark icon


check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon



Multi-page jobs






check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon



Cut jobs






check mark icon


check mark icon


check mark icon

Braille jobs

check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon


check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon


check mark icon

Mono color (special color) jobs








check mark icon



Glossy print jobs*1











Variable print jobs



check mark icon



check mark icon

check mark icon




Composite + variable print jobs











Composite + color replacement jobs








check mark icon



2.5D print jobs



check mark icon



check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon


check mark icon

Composite + 2.5D print jobs



check mark icon



check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon



Marginless Multi Mode






check mark icon

check mark icon




Composite + Auto deskew jobs





check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon


check mark icon

Fotoba cut mark





check mark icon






  1. Varies depending on model

Using Table 2

The following functions are represented by icons from left to right at the top of the table.

  1. Composite

  2. Layer

  3. Color Replacement

  4. Favorite

  5. Properties

  6. Duplicate

  7. Backup

  8. Delete

  9. Printer FAQ

  10. Kebab jig printing


Table 2

Setting / Condition

1 Compositing icons

2 Layer settings icon

3 Color substitution settings icon

4 Favorite settings icon

5 Property Icons

6 Duplicate icon

7 Backup icon

8 Delete icon

9 FAQ icon

10 Kebab Printing Icons

Register mark settings










check mark icon

Print area definitions










check mark icon

Separation marks

check mark icon

check mark icon








check mark icon

Information labels










check mark icon

Lock the trimming position










check mark icon

Cut lines










check mark icon

2 or more copies






















Formats other than PDF/EPS/PS






















Composite + 2 or more copies






















XY slitter











Execution status

check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon

check mark icon

With composite jobs











Arranged jobs

check mark icon










Jig print jobs

check mark icon

check mark icon








check mark icon

Tiling jobs

check mark icon

check mark icon








check mark icon

Step & Repeat jobs










check mark icon

With Print & Cut jobs










check mark icon

Kebab jig print jobs











RL output + jobs with register marks










check mark icon

Multi-page jobs











Cut jobs



check mark icon







check mark icon

Braille jobs



check mark icon







check mark icon

Mono color (special color) jobs



check mark icon








Glossy print jobs*1










check mark icon

Variable print jobs

check mark icon










Composite + variable print jobs



check mark icon








Composite + color replacement jobs











2.5D print jobs



check mark icon







check mark icon

Composite + 2.5D print jobs










check mark icon

Marginless Multi Mode











Composite + Auto deskew jobs










check mark icon

Fotoba cut mark










check mark icon

  1. Varies depending on model