Arrange - Operations

Print multiple jobs all together.

  1. Select multiple jobs.
Job List tab
  1. Click [Arrange] in the [Function] menu or the function icon (Imposition Icon).
  1. Set Alignment Mode, Margin, and select or unselect the Arrange in the Center check box, then click [Arrange].
Arrange tab
  • The multiple jobs selected in Step 1 are arranged.
  • Lines are displayed for [Arrange] on the [Job List] tab.
Job List tab
  1. Clicking the [Normal print icon] icon displays a preview with the jobs arranged.
Arranged general print screen

Clicking [Arrange] automatically aligns the multiple jobs selected using the specified alignment mode.
The following alignment modes are available:

  • [Sequential]
  • Jobs will be positioned sequentially in the media feed direction. Jobs may be rotated automatically when positioning to minimize length used.
    The feed margins can be set.
A drawing in which the images are arranged in the media feed direction._
  • While it is possible to print multiple jobs sequentially by simply printing jobs in succession, a preset margin will be inserted by the printer between each job.
    Sequential printing for arrangement allows the feed margin between each job to be set precisely.
  • It is also possible to arrange jobs for which the number of copies has been set in [General Print].
    The margin settings in [General Print] will be overwritten by the margin settings in [Arrange].
  • [Minimize]
  • Jobs will be positioned to minimize the printing area. Jobs may be rotated automatically when positioning.
  • [No rotation]
  • Jobs will be positioned to minimize the printing area. The sequence in which the jobs are positioned will be altered automatically. The jobs will not be rotated automatically. The [Rotation] setting will be disabled on the [General Print] screen.
  • [Minimize (Keep rotation)]
  • Jobs will be positioned to minimize the printing area while maintaining the [Rotation] settings set on the [Print Condition] screen.
Figure arranged to minimize the area._

Arrange in the center of the media.

  1. Select the [Arrange in the Center] check box.
  1. Click [Arrange].
  • The arranged jobs will be positioned at the horizontal center of the medium.
  • When the alignment mode is [Sequential]:
  • The rectangular border (dotted line in figure on left) surrounding all of the jobs is positioned at the horizontal center of the medium.
A drawing in which the boundary rectangle surrounding all images is placed so that it is the center of the media width._
  • When the alignment mode is [Minimize]:
  • The arranged jobs will be positioned so that the center point coincides with the horizontal center of the medium.
The image is placed so that the center of the entire imposition image is at the center of the media width._

Cancel arrangement.

  1. Select the job(s) for which arrangement is to be canceled on the [Job List] screen. To cancel the arrangement for all jobs, select all the jobs.
Job List tab
  1. Click [Arrange] in the [Function] menu or the function icon (Imposition Icon).
  1. Click [Release].
  • The arrangement is canceled for the selected jobs.
Arrange tab
Job List tab