- There are 6 types of "Unusual nozzle tests" Please see the following examples "a" to "f".
【Unusual nozzle test examples: “a” – “f”】
a. Unstable nozzle out
One or more nozzles are missing, and the position changes.
*This error is caused by air bubbles or dust inside the ink line or print head nozzle area. The trapped air or dust must be removed from the ink path.
*This may also happen if the “Suction nozzle”, “Wiper M” or a “Wipe rubber” are dirty.
b. Stable nozzle out (Nozzle clogging issue)
The missing nozzles are in the same position all the time.
*This error is caused by poor air quality in the print environment or by inadequate printer maintenance. Lint, dust, Ink mist, or ink cured by UV reflection are the main causes.
*Excessive head gap can cause ink mist to cure on the head surface.
c. Multiple Missing Nozzles
Many adjacent nozzles out at the same time.
*This error may be caused by a poor air seal
d. Mixed Color
The color is mixed.
*“Ink mist” or “Ink drops” may attach on the print head nozzle surface.
*This may also happen if the “Suction nozzle”, “Wiper M” or a “Wipe rubber” are dirty.
e. Nozzle deflection-1
Nozzles are deflected from correct position to Right-Left-Up-Down.Each nozzle fires straight.
*Caused by contamination on the nozzle surface. (Lint, dust, ink mist, or ink cured by UV reflection).
*If the head gap is larger than 2.0mm on reflective materials (like a mirror or shiny material) the nozzles can clog. Excessive head gap can cause ink mist to cure on the head surface.
f. Nozzle deflection-2
Compare to "Nozzle deflection-1", nozzles are more badly deflected.
(More "Curly", "Dot line", "Half fired", or "Widely leaned" nozzles)
*Caused by contamination inside the nozzle area itself. (Lint, dust, Ink mist, or ink cured by UV reflection).
*If the head gap is larger than 2.0mm on reflective materials (like a mirror or shiny material) the nozzles can clog. Excessive head gap can cause ink mist to cure on the head surface.
【Recovery Procedure】
①Check environment
Make sure the environment (Temperature, Humidity, Dust, etc) are within specification for the printer.
Please see more details in “Q: Environment for printer”
②Check ink amount inside a Ink cartridge
Even if the printer display shows sufficient remaining ink, it will be necessary to examine the cartridge itself.
IF the remaining ink level is very low, you should replace it with another cartridge which has enough ink inside.
③Operate a Hard Cleaning
Operate Hard Cleaning function once, and check the nozzle test.
④Clean the head guard plate surface
Please see details in the following document.
“Operation manual”-[Chapter 4]-[Avoiding dripping of ink droplet at printing]-[Clean the head guard plate]
⑤Clean “Suction nozzle”, “Wiper M”, “Wiper rubber”
See the following information to see details to clean each part.
“Operation manual”-[Chapter 4]-[Cleaning of wiper]
⑥Empty a wiper tank
Please see details in the following document.
“Operation manual”-[Chapter 4]-[When the waste ink is pooled up]-[Disposing of the ink in the wiper tank]
⑦Operate a “SUBTANK MAINTENANCE” function
Please see more details in the following manual.
“Operation manual”-[Chapter 4]-[Subtank Maintenance]
⑧Contact a service
Please contact service if you still have unusual nozzles on the test print.