Mimaki x Jefferson Project | TRAPIS LAUNCH PROJECT


"Anyone can do it" Experience the Latest in Textile Printing | TRAPIS LAUNCH PROJECT

Mimaki and Jefferson are holding an exciting design competition for Jefferson's textile design students!
Jefferson students have been updating their competition progress on Instagram, which you can see below.
Finalists will present their work to Jefferson faculty and Mimaki representatives in May.







"TRAPIS" - Textile Printing made Incomplex
Experience the latest in textile printing at a hands-on event near you.

"TRAPIS" is a textile printing system that can be easily operated by anyone and significantly reduces process labor and water use compared to conventional methods. It can be installed in a compact space and enables small lot printing on a variety of fibers, expanding the range of textile business.

Discover TRAPIS, the innovative water efficient digital printing solution transforming the textile industry. Join us for a full textile experience, during one of our TRAPIS demo events held globally.

Please check the 'Exhibition and Hands-on Workshop Information' below for details on events at each location. This list will be updated regularly.
Priority will be given to those who register through the application form.


Inquiries about TRAPIS and other inquiries

Global Marketing Department
1628-1 Shigeno-Otsu, Tomi-city, Nagano 389-0512 JAPAN
Tel: +81-(0)268-80-0078 / Fax: +81-(0)268-80-0041

Web Inquiry form

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