October 30, 2023
This page is the explaination of the device profiles used by RasterLink series.
Device profile is provided by the combination of printer, ink set, material such as media, and printing conditions such as resolution and pass numbers.
Generic Profile
Profile with "Generic"
The profiles for general purpose.
Please use these profiles when manufacture or Media name are not specified.
ex.) Generic PVC Gloss
Target Printers: UCJV300/150 series
Target Inks: LUS-170, LUS-175
Version of Device Profile
There are two versions of device profiles for RasterLink series.
v2 Profile
Profile extension is [cot].
Annotated "v2" in the media name.
The v2 profile can be used by RasterLink5 or earlier RIP software.
Profile creation software: MimakiProfileMasterII
v3 Profile
Profile extension is [icc].
Annotated "v3" in media name.
v3 profiles are basically(*1) used by RasterLink6 or later RIP software.
*1 There are also some profiles that can be used by RasterLink5 depending on the versions. Please refer to the description of v3.x below.
[v3 - v3.4] Profile creation software: MimakiProfileMasterII
[v3.5] Profile creation software: MimakiProfileMaster3
About Media Name Types of v3 Profile
For v3 Profile, different types of device profiles are available depending on the concept differences and versions.
The types are divided by the symbol at the end of media name.
v3.x Profile
There are several versions of "v3.x" profiles.
The versions are appended with "v3.x" at the end of media name.
The profiles which appended nothing at the end of media names are "v3.3" or later.
RasterLink5 just can support "v3" "v3.1" profiles, not include "v3.2" or later.
All the "v3" profiles can be used by RasterLink6 or later.
v3 - v3.4 Profile
Recommend setting "Color Matching" to "Default" in RasterLink when use v3 - v3.4 Profiles (Figure 1)
v3.5 Profile
Recommend setting "Color Matching" to "Mimaki_Expand_Color" in RasterLink when use v3.5 profiles or later (Figure2)

Figure 1: Default

Figure 2: Mimaki_Expand_Color
Profile Version with "_D"
The profiles are designed to raise the overall density based on the concept of emphasizing density.
ex.) GPVC[441]_D v3
Target Printers: JV33 series, JV5 series, JV300/150 series, CJV300/150 series
Target Inks: SS21, HS, Sublimation53, Sublimation54
RIP Supporte Versions: RL5 Verxxx or later
Profile Version with "_S" or "_s"
The profiles are designed to reduce the density based on the concept of ink consumption reduction.
ex.) Mimaki GPVC[SPC706] -S
Target Printers: JV300/150 series, CJV300/150 series, JV330/CJV330 series
Target Inks: SS21
RIP Supporte Versions: RL6 or later
Profile Version with "Quality"
The profiles are designed to fill the dots in gaps to reduce grainness based on the concept of image quality improvement.
Recommend selecting "Default" mode in "Color Matching" of RasterLink.
ex.) Mimaki GPVC[SPC706] Quality
Target Printers: JV300/150 series, CJV300/150 series, JFX500-2131
Target Inks: SS21, Sublimation54, BS3, LH-100
Profile Version with "sp"
The profiles are designed to fill the dots in gaps to reduce grainness based on the concept of image quality improvement.
Recommend selecting "Mimaki_Expand_Color" or "Deep Color Natural" mode in "Color Matching" of RasterLink.
Use more Small dots and realize a smooth expression in photographic images.
ex.) Mimaki GPVC[SPC706] v3.5sp
Target Printers: JV300/150 series, CJV300/150 series, TxF150-75, TxF300-75
Target Inks: SS21, PHT50
RIP Supporte Versions: RL6Ver4.11 or later, RL7Ver2.3 or later
Profile Version with "br"
The profiles are designed based on the concept of banding reduction.
Use more Large dots to reduce banding (Bi direction banding, streak banding etc.)
The profiles are suitbal for the data with many solid images.
ex.) Mimaki GPVC[SPC706] v3.5br
Target Printers: JV300/150 series, CJV300/150 series
Target Inks: SS21
RIP Supporte Versions: Ver4.11 or later
Profile Version with "nr"
The Profiles are designed to reduce noise such as black spots.
ex.) Generic Transfer Paper_nr
Target Printers: TS100, TS55, TS300P
Target Inks: Sublimation610, Sublimation410
Profile Version with "White", "ConW", "WonC"
The Profiles for using white ink.
Printing methods change according to the following notation.
(White on Color), (WonC)
The optimized profile for printing in order from Color to White.
ex.) SABIC LEXAN8010Film(White on Color)
ex.) Mimaki BckTLX[MSL140](WonC)
(Color on White), (ConW)
The optimized profile for printing in order from White to Color.
ex.) SABIC LEXAN8010Film(Color on White)
ex.) Mimaki BckTLX[MSL140](ConW)
The optimized profile for using white ink environment irrespective of printing order.
ex.) Mitsubishi AcryliteEX001(withWhite)
Target Printers: JV33 series, JV5 series, JV300/150 series, CJV300/150 series, UCJV300/150 series, UJF-3042MkII, UJF-6042MkII, JFX200-2531, UJF-7151plus, JFX200-2513, UJF-3042HG、UJF-3042FX, UJF-6042
Target Inks: SS21, LH-100, LUS-120, LUS-170, LUS-175, LUS-150, LUS-350
Profile Version with "LD" (In front of media name)
The optimized profile for the environment when using LD mode*.
There are two modes depending on the size of dots.
ex.) LD1 UV-PET v3.5
Target Printers: UJF-3042MkII, UJF-6042MkII, UJF-7151plus
Target Inks: LH-100, LUS-120
RIP Supporte Versions: RL6 Ver5.8 or later
* About the explanation of LD mode, please refer to the instruction manual.
Profile Version with "G"
The profiles with gray balance adjustment.
The profiles are optimized for "Gray Balance" mode in "Color Matching" of RasterLink.
There are several versions for "G" profiles.
The profiles which are adjusted to optimize "Gray Balance" mode in "Color Matching" of RasterLink.
ex.) JC4k-Tropical v3G
The profiles which are adjusted blueness lower than "v3G".
ex.) JC4k-Tropical v3G-1
The optimized profiles for using DeepBlack ink.
ex.) JC4k-Tropical v3GDK
The optimized profiles for using Bule ink and LightBule ink (Ver.2).
ex.) JC2K-Tropical v3GBL
The optimized profiles for using BrilliantBlue ink.
ex.) JC4k-Tropical v3GBB
The profiles which are adjusted blueness lower than "v3GBB".
ex.) JC4k-Tropical v3GBB-1
The profiles for using transfer paper specific Black ink.
ex.) JC4k-Tropical v3GKT
Target Printers: JV33 series, JV5 series, JV34-260, TS34-1800A, TS5-1600AMF, JV300/150 series, CJV300/150 series, TS500-1800
Target Inks: Sublimation52, Sublimation53, Sublimation60, Sublimation300, Sublimation310
Profile Version with "DK"
The optimized profiles for the environment of using DeepBlack ink.
ex.) Coldenhove Jetcol HTR3000 DK
Target Printers: JV33 series, JV5 series, JV34-260, TS34-1800A, JV300/150 series, CJV300/150 series
Target Inks: Sublimation53
Profile Version with "ff"
This profile emphasizes the expression of fine lines.
ex.) Generic Transfer paper_ff
Target Printers: TS330-1600
Target Inks: Sublimation411
When there is any further information, please see the [Remarks] of each profile at downloading page.