[Update]Operating status of Illustrator plug-in products on the Mac with mounted Apple Silicon M1 chip.


Thank you very much for your continuous use of our software products.
Following describes the operation status of the Illustrator plug-in product on the Mac with mounted Apple Silicon M1 chip.

The operating status of our plug-in products for Illustrator 2021 (Ver. 25.3) operating in native environments of a mac which is mounted Apple Silicon M1 chip is as follows.


■FineCut / Coat9 for Illustrator Mac Version Ver. 2.1

■RasterLinkTools for Illustrator Mac Version Ver. 1.10.0

The operating condition:

■FineCut / Coat9

From FineCut / Coat9 Ver. 2.1, it can also be used with native mode.
Please download the supported version from here.


From RasterLinkTools Ver. 1.10.0, it can be used with Rosetta mode. (Native mode is not supported.)
Please download the supported version from here.
※There are restrictions on the environment to be used. Check the contents of the download page.

Support schedule

For details of support schedule, refer to Supported OS/SW support pages.

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