Detailed piece is faithfully reproduced Detailed piece is faithfully reproduced

Detailed piece is faithfully reproduced

Thanks to Mimaki original wave formcontrol and high precision ink firing technology, amassed in the development of inkjet printer for professionals to suit the high quality image, our 3D printer’s precise ink droplet placement has been achieved. It enables the realistic reporduction of detailed design such as the sharpe edge and thinner layer shape.

  • Elaborate modeling of inside of donjon by creation such as a parapet with 1mm thickness and Tatami is possible.
  • Reproducing in details into the backroom of the opened gate.
  • Detailed piece is faithfully reproduced

    * Wing thickness: 0.3 mm

  • Detailed piece is faithfully reproduced
  • Detailed piece is faithfully reproduced
  • Detailed piece is faithfully reproduced

Fine texts and images are faithfully represented

Fine texts and images are faithfully represented.

Variable dot function contains sorting to fire 3 dot sizes and selects always the optimal size for modeling. This specified function enables modeling of beautiful gradation of less granularity and extremely high accurate full color.

Plaster method

Controlling ink placement is difficult because inks are cured after penetrating into plaster particles.

Plaster method

Inks bleed beyond the edges of a pattern; so, representing delicate texture is difficult.

3DUJ-553 (UV curable inkjet method)

The placement of ink droplets is precisely controlled.

The placement of ink droplets is precisely controlled.

No ink bleeds at the edges; so, delicate texture is faithfully recreated.

Smooth surface Smooth surface

Smooth surface

High-resolution printing produces thin layers and ensures smooth surface.

Plaster method

Plaster method

Layer resolution:
100 μm
Rough surface

Plaster method

3DUJ-553 (UV curable inkjet method)


Layer resolution:
20 μm (Minimum)
Smooth surface



Mimaki full color 3D printer [3DUJ-553] applied the UV curable inkjet system utilized Mimaki's original technology, which was amassed in our development and manufacturing for inkjet printers of professional use during a long period.
To learn more about our products, specifications and quotation, please contact below.

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*1: Survey as of August, 2017 by Mimaki Engineering

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