[Option] - Operations

Set job control

  1. Select the [Job Control] tab in the [Environments] - [Option] dialog.
Job Control tab screen_
  1. Select the [Hyper Job Threading] item.
  • This sets whether or not to process multiple jobs simultaneously with a single printer.



Jobs are not processed simultaneously. Image data importing, ripping, and printing is processed in sequence.

[Level 1]


Ripping and printing is processed simultaneously. Up to two jobs can be processed simultaneously.

[Level 2]


Image data importing, ripping, and printing is processed simultaneously. Up to three jobs can be processed simultaneously.

  1. Set [Create information for estimating ink consumption].
  • When creating a job, whether or not the data is created for use to calculate the estimated value can be set in Estimate ink consumption.

Selection item

Job creation time

Estimate processing












Decision on whether or not to create data depends on the job size and favorite settings.

[Do not create]




Data is not created. When the estimate function is used, calculation uses the original image data.

  1. Select or deselect the [Calculate Ink Consumption from riped Data] check box.
  • Selecting this calculates the ink consumption values and displays them in Properties.
  1. Select or deselect the [Notify ink shortage.] check box.
  • When either of the following is printed, a warning is displayed indicating insufficient ink for printing based on the calculated value and ink level.
    · The [Calculate Ink Consumption from riped Data] check box is selected and the ink consumption has been calculated before printing.
    · [Ink Consumption Estimation] has previously been performed.
  • Printer name
    Select the printer for ink level adjustment.
  • Ink level
    Adjust the threshold ink level for warnings, as needed.
    The default value varies depending on the model.
  1. Select or deselect the [Lock the job after printing] check box.
  • Selecting this displays a lock symbol for the job after printing, preventing the settings for that job from being edited or deleted.
  1. Select or deselect the [RL6Plus compatible] check box.
  • When selected, the processing for the following items will be the same as for RasterLink6Plus.
    ・ If a flatbed printer is used for composites consisting of continuous special color jobs, these will be combined into separate outputs.
    ・ When using special color, the same special color over print as RasterLink6Plus is set as the default.
  1. Change [Number of jobs that can be registered] as necessary.
  • Default: 200, maximum: 1,000
    Increasing the number of registered jobs increases the amount of image data displayable on the [Job List] tab. However, it also increases the time taken to display the [Job List] tab after starting up RasterLink7.
  1. Click [OK].
  • Settings that have been changed will be applied after restarting RasterLink7.

Save execution results to a file

Selecting this check box outputs the execution results in CSV format once printing and cutting are complete if a save destination is set.

  • File output setting method
  1. Select the [Save execution result to a file] check box.
Save Execution Result Screen
  • When initially specifying the save destination, the file save destination selection dialog appears automatically.
    In such cases, proceed to Step 3.
  1. Click [Setup].
  • The file save destination selection dialog appears.
Select File Destination Dialog
  1. Select the save destination for the output file, then click [Select].
  1. Click [OK].
Save Destination Dialog OK Click Screen
  • The following information will be output.
    For printing
    File name, results, ink consumption results, ripping start time, ripping end time, printing start time, printing end time, number of executions, detailed results

    For cutting
    File name, results, ink consumption results, cutting pass creation start time, cutting pass creation end time, cutting start time, cutting end time, number of executions, detailed results

Display print length warning

After outputting a specific job, a warning will be displayed when the total print length reaches the specified length. This is displayed and can be set when the following printer is registered:

Printer: UCJV330

  1. Select the printer to be set from [Printer Name].
  1. Select or deselect the [After executing 2.5D printing, display warning according to following print length.] check box.
  • The print length can be specified when this is selected.
Warning timing
Continuing to wind 2.5D printed media may cause meandering. The warning is intended to alert you about this.
  • After launching RasterLink7, the start of 2.5D printing on the printer involved is treated as zero, and the warning is displayed before starting printing that will reach the specified length, regardless of the job type.
  • After the warning is displayed, restarting 2.5D printing counts the print length from zero again.
  • The print length counter will be reset to zero when RasterLink7 is restarted.

Set the [Execute] icon operation on each function screen

Set the operation performed by clicking [Execute] on the [General Print], [Tiling], and [Step & Repeat] screens.

The settings are configured separately for each printer registered.

  1. Select the printer to be set from [Printer Name].
Printer Name Selection Screen
  1. Select the [Apply job execution settings] check box.
Screen to check the box
  • If this is not selected, the previously used conditions will be used.
  1. Sets the execution procedure.
  • The setting details are the same as for Execute.

Set the display

  1. Select the [Display] tab in the [Environments] - [Option] dialog.
Environment setting screen_
  1. Select the display language from the [Language] pull-down menu.
  • Set the display language used for RasterLink7.
  1. Adjust the [Preview Resolution] slider.
  • Moving the slider to the right increases the display resolution on the [Preview] window but makes the preview slower.
  • Moving the slider to the left reduces the display resolution on the [Preview] window but makes the preview faster.
  1. Select or deselect the [Display Tooltips] check box.
  • When this is selected, simple explanations (tool tips) are displayed for individual items at the mouse cursor position.
  1. Select [Unit].
  • Set the display units for length to mm or inch.
  1. Select or deselect the [Display print progress] check box.
  • If this is selected and connected to the printer,Print progress is displayed during printing. 7. [Print progress] tab
  1. Select or deselect the [Display job name search function.] check box.
  • When this is selected, the job name search input box is displayed.
  1. Select or deselect the [Use a barcode reader.] check box.
  • Selecting this allows search parameters created as barcodes using standard barcode conversion software to be imported to RasterLink7. Search Using a Barcode Reader
  1. Set the movement when image data for which spot colors are specified is loaded.

[Run when less than]


The spot color information is analyzed when the number of spot colors within the image data is smaller than the value set.
If the number of spot colors is equal to or greater than the value set, image data is loaded faster since analysis is not performed.

[Run always]


The spot color information is always analyzed regardless of the number of spot colors within the image data.

The following restrictions apply to jobs created without executing [Spot color information analysis processing]:
  • The density of the spot color selected in the color replacement list will not be displayed on the [Color Replacement] screen.
    Color replacement setting screen where the density of the spot color selected in the color replacement list is not displayed
    In the input colors, CMYK are all shown as 0% if the selected spot color has been set as a gradation object color.
    Color Replacement setting screen where CMYK is displayed as 0%
  • The input/output information will not be displayed even when the cursor is hovered over the position for the specified spot color in the preview.
    Preview screen where input/output information is not displayed when hovering over a spot color
  • The spot color position will not be highlighted in the preview even when a spot color has been selected from the color replacement list and the [Display selected color in negative] check box is checked.
    Check box to invert the specified color
  • The spot color in the color replacement list will not be selected even when the spot color position is clicked in the preview.
  • If single color replacement has been used, the position of the specified spot color will be determined as having no color in the preview. There will be no problem with the actual print.

[Analyze color value]


Errors may occur if imported image data contains a large amount of vector objects with spot colors specified. In this case, clear the check box.

  1. Set [Display Layout Preview].
  1. Set [Display Usage Disc].
  1. Select [Improved accuracy of print completion time].

This will change the display when selecting [Properties] - [Results] - [Time] - [Print] as follows.

  • Selecting this displays the time from the start of printing until printing is complete.
  • Unselecting this displays the time from the start of printing until data has been sent to the printer.
  1. Click [OK].
  • Settings that have been changed will be applied after restarting RasterLink7.
  • For more information on the jig barcode function, refer to the separate "Jig Barcode Function Guide".

Set the disk

  1. Select the [Disk] tab in the [Environments] - [Option] dialog.
Disk tab screen_
  1. Set a suitable value for [Disk Space to Keep].
  • Set the minimum free space on the hard disk where the work folder is located.
  • Job execution is canceled if the space available drops below this setting.
  1. Click [OK].
  • Settings that have been changed will be applied after restarting RasterLink7.

Set the colorimeter

  1. Install the driver for the colorimeter to be used.
  1. Connect the colorimeter to the ripping PC.
  1. Select the [Device] tab in the [Environments] - [Option] dialog.
Colorimeter tab screen_
  1. Click [Colorimeter setting].
  • The [Setup] dialog appears.
  1. Connect the colorimeter to the PC, then click [Check device].
Connection confirmation screen_
  • The [Check device] dialog appears once the connection has been confirmed.
  1. Click [OK].
Connection confirmation dialog screen_
  • Settings that have been changed will be applied after restarting RasterLink7.