The conditions of software for Adobe Illustrator 2025(Ver29.x)

Supported OS/SW

* The following operating conditions are the results obtained by internal tests.
 Note that other problems may be occurred.
* The software other than listed in the following table does not support Adobe Illustrator 2025.
* Please confirm conditions between Illustrator version and OS in advance,
 and use Illustrator in guaranteed operating environment. 
  • Yes -> Functions normally.
  • Yes* -> Operable, but partially has problems.
  • No -> Cannot be used.
Product name Ver Operation
Workaround Plan to support
FineCut/Coat9 for Illustrator

Under investigation
Please use the former version of Illustrator until a product which supports Illustrator 2025 will be released.
RasterLinkTools for Illustrator

Under investigation
Please use the former version of Illustrator until a product which supports Illustrator 2025 will be released.

<Related FAQ>
Adobe Illustrator automatic update stop procedure
How to install the Adobe Illustrator old version

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