Case Study
Bear Signs & Designs (Burleigh Heads QLD, Australia)
Owner Garry Miller, "To be honest, I was never a big fan on Mimaki as we have always ran Rolands over the past 16 Years, when looking for a replacement machine for one of the Rolands, I investigated what was on the new market and was very disappointed. Even the LEJ was overpriced and under performed."
"Since we saw the first Demo (UCJV300-160) we started to get excited about what we could do with the Mimaki. So far it hasn’t let us down. We have done a few trials on the multi layer printing with great success and have also increased our trade printing to other sign shops."
stickerkoning, The Netherlands
Achieving effective production for high-mix low-volume orders.
Utilizing Mimaki products and process management system, the company achieves labor-saving, automated and visualized in production processes.