
Download Tool for RasterLink6Plus v1.10 Program Update

Type Downloader
Version 1.10 Update
Release date 03/12/2019
Supported OS Windows 7 (32bit)
Windows 7 (64bit)
Windows 8.1 (32bit)
Windows 8.1 (64bit)
Windows 10 (32bit)
Windows 10 (64bit)
Supported Software RasterLink6Plus


About this tool

  • This tool updates RasterLink6Plus Ver.1.10 from 1.0 or later.
  • This tool cannot install RasterLink6Plus newly.
  • This tool cannot be used if RasterLink6Plus has not been activated.

How to use

  1. Click [Download] button on the bottom of this page to download "download tool".
    * [Security Warning] dialog is shown. Click "Save" and select the suitable folder.
  2. Double click "RL6Plus_v1.10_Download_Tool.exe".
    The dialog of download tool will be displayed. Click "Download" to start downloading the update installer.
    • If you use proxy server, click [Proxy setting] and set proxy server information before download.
    • This download tool has a resume function of download.In case you clicked "Abort" or the connection was disconnected in the middle of downloading, the resume function will work at the next execution.
      You can resume the download only by clicking "Download" button.
  3. When download is completed, [Download is complete] dialog is displayed.
    Click "OK" and "Select folder" dialog is displayed. Select a folder to save the update installer.

Application method

Double click the downloaded program update tool, "RL6Plus_v1.10_ProgramUpdate_Tool.exe".
The updates will be expanded.
When expansion is completed, [Expansin succed] dialog is displayed.
Click "OK", and then restart RasterLink6Plus to apply updates.

About manuals

Download from here.

Upgrade Information of RasterLink6Plus v1.10

Please refer to Information page.



Precautions for download

Be sure to read the following license agreement before downloading this software.

Software License Agreement

By installing this software, you agree to be bound by this agreement.

Article 1 Definition
  1. Software means the computer program supplied with this agreement.
  2. Related data means printed text data supplied with this software or printed data which we may supply subsequently.
  3. This software means the software, related data and the copy of this software which we supply to you.
Article 2 Limitations
  1. This software must not be copied against the provisions of this agreement.
  2. This software must not be changed or reverse engineered. Moreover, it must not be transferred, leased or sublicensed to the third party. The status of this agreement must not be transferred, either.
  3. This software must not be transferred, licensed or resold to the third party or transferred, licensed or purchased from it by rental or false rental activity.
  4. This software must not be transferred or licensed to the third party or purchased from it as secondhand goods.
Article 3 Limitation of Warranty
  1. It is not warranted that functions contained in this software suit the intended use of the customer.
  2. This software should be selected and introduced in the customer’s responsibility: any damage in installing this software in the computer’s hard disk and the plotter’s memory is not covered.
  3. We accept no responsibility for any results of the use of this software (including lost earnings or profits).
Article 4 Term of Validity
  1. The term of validity of this agreement starts when the customer installs this software.
  2. When the customer decides to stop using this software, this agreement is automatically terminated.
  3. This agreement is terminated immediately, without our notice, if the customer does not follow any clause of this agreement. If this agreement terminates, the whole of this software must be deleted.
Download RL6Plus_v1.10_Download_Tool.exe(2.03MB)

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